Child Protection |
Regrettably, child abuse is a fact within our society and in common with all swimming Clubs and associations affiliated to Swim England, Greater Manchester S$WPA is required by A.S.A. Law to have a Child Protection Policy. |
In compliance with this law, Greater Mmanchester S&WPA has adopted the 'Child Protection in Swimming - Procedures and Guidelines', produced by the A.S.A child protection working groups, in conjunction with the N.S.P.C.C. |
The aim of the Policy is to promote good practise: |
1) Providing children and young people with appropriate safety and protection whilst in the care of swimming and allow all staff / volunteers to make informed and confident responses to specific Child Protection issues. |
2) Greater Mmanchester S&WPA are confident that it provides an environment which is safe from child abuse, but it would be wrong to be complacent. We owe a very high duty of care to our children and we intend
to do everything possible to protect them. |
3) Abuse can be physical, sexual, emotional and example, a coach, team manager, committee member, helper or even another young swimmer. If you have a suspicion that a child is at risk, it is vital that you report the matter immediately to any Club officer, such as the Chairman, Secretary, coach or committee member. |
Finally, if you have any questions or concerns about our Child Protection Policy, please do not hesitate to ask our Welfare Officer or secretary. |