GDPR Principles
The main principles of the Data Protection Act are:
1) Fair and lawful processing of personal data
2) Processed for specified, lawful and compatible purposes
3) Adequate, relevant and not excessive
4) Accurate and up to date
5) Not kept for longer than necessary
6) Processed in accordance with the rights of the individual
7) Processed with appropriate security.
Data Use
The information you provide will be held securely by the Association secretary and only shared with appropriate bodies and personnel such as:
1) Swim England and Swim England North West Region for registration and insurance purposes.
2) The Team Manager for team selection.
3) Welfare Officer for any welfare issues
Privacy Choices
If you choose not to share your personal data, please be aware that employing this method may have a negative impact on our ability to share this information with the relevant personnel which would negate the following:
1) your insurance with Swim England
2) any welfare issues that may occur
Privacy Rights
You can exercise your rights at any time by Access information we hold about you. This includes:
1) The categories of data we process
2) The purposes of the data we process
3) The categories of third parties to whom data may be disclosed
4) How long the data will be stored, and the criteria used to determine that period
We will provide a response to any information requests within one month of the requests being made. You have the right to:
1) Make us correct any inaccurate personal data about you by contacting the Association secretary.
2) You can ask us to erase any personal data we hold about you as long as it is no longer a legal requirement or necessary for us to hold the data for the longer than is necessary.
We are always happy to immediately address any concerns regarding the use of personal data but if we fail at this then you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office using the details on their website